Rolling On

Our sessions and singarounds project looking at what’s happening in pubs, clubs and community centres all over the UK and beyond. Our Rolling On song won the Milkmaid Folk Club songwriting competition in 2017. Find out more on the Rolling On website

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The Blacksmith Project

Commissioned by the Old Forge in Hertfordshire, the project looked at the history of blacksmithing, collecting old tales, traditional folk songs and adding new ones, including a specially written electronica piece based on live sound sampling at the forge when it was in full swing.

The grand finale involved two live shows in the grounds of the OLd Forge featuring local a host of musicians. Amongst the new songs created for the project were two of my own – ‘Hammer and Hand’ and ‘Gretna Green’

Good Christian Folk

Good Christian Folk Exlporing the links between the secular and sacred traditions in folk music from the pagan to the puritan. Songs, readings and live performance designed for the Horningsea Arts Festival